JCM Multimedia Store

Acupressure For LabourĀ 

Instructional videos for pregnant women & their support people. The acupressure techniques outlined in these videos are easy to use, promote natural birth and encourage close partner involvement.

Price - Ā£9.99

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Trigger Point Needling For Myofascial Pain

This video course is intended to augment the clinical training received from myofascial trigger point training. The total time of all the courses is 110 minutes. 

Price - £35

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Healing The Eyes With Acupuncture

This course presents a comprehensive discussion of eye diseases with illustrations and demonstrations. 


Price - £38.50

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Jing, Qi and the Biology of Aging

This hour-long webinar explores ageing from an Eastern and Western perspective, including why and how we age, theories on increasing lifespan, and how to remain healthier for longer, By Natalie Chandra Saunders.



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Sex, Drugs and Menopause

Recording of the Live Webinar with Katherine Berry and Natalie Chandra Saunders

Join Kath and Natalie as they take you through excerpts from their forthcoming JCM publication 'Menopause: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners'.


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The Practitioner Habit by Oran Kivity

Habit coaching helps people do what they already want to do. This seminar is designed for practitioners and will focus on the basics of behavioural design and the value of tiny habits. If you aspire to a new habit or want to reinforce an existing one, this is your chance to learn the skills to really nail it!


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Michelle Gellis Webinar Bundle

This bundle includes the three webinar recordings:

* Benefits of bringing facial acupuncture into your practice

*Using facial motor points to treat neuromuscular cosmetic facial conditions

* Safety concerns when treating the face


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Benefits of Bringing Facial Acupuncture into your Practice by Michelle Gellis

Topics included in this recording are:
* Cosmetic acupuncture
* Acupuncture for neuromuscular facial conditions
* Treatment modalities-Scalp Acupuncture-Facial Motor points-submuscular needling
* Microneedling
* Benefits for patients
* Benefits for your practice


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Using Facial Motor Points to Treat Neuromuscular Cosmetic Facial Conditions by Michelle Gellis

Topics included in this presentation are:
* What are facial motor points?
* What are the benefits for cosmetic purposes?
* What are the benefits for neuromuscular conditions?


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Safety Concerns When Treating the Face by Michelle Gellis

Topics included in this presentation are:
* Contraindications
* Precautions
* The unique nature of treating the face
* Tools
* Techniques



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Facial Cupping & GuaSha for cosmetic and neuromuscular concerns

Michelle Gellis recorded webinar, discussing overview of NeuroMuscular facial conditions such as Bells Palsy, TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, facial cupping & gua sha theory including contraindications & precautions, tools used for facial cupping & gua sha, benefits of facial cupping & gua sha for neuromuscular facial conditions, basic protocol for facial cupping & facial gua sha, and a Q&A session

Price - Ā£15

Price for JCM subscribers - Ā£0

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Male Fertility by Ian Stones

Ian Stones speaks about issues surrounding male fertility and the awareness of this, why it's so important the that men get the right support and guidance, why men are missing out on proper tests and treatment and what effects this has on them. All funds raised from this recording go to Ian Stones fundraising for Fertility Network UK. 

Price - £5


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Diagnostic significance of a Painful Point in Chinese Medicine 

Presented by Hamid Montakab, this webinar explores the question 'is there a diagnostic significance when an acupuncture point is painful?'. Hamid will explore many topics such as functional disturbances, pain being the language of the body, and points and their diagnostic significance.

Price - £10

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Traditional vs Classical Chinese Medicine 

Presented by Hamid Montakab. In this 50 minute webinar, Hamid  answers one of the most asked questions, what is the difference between traditional and classical Chinese medicine? Hamid explores the differences, concepts, origins, history, practices and cultural significance of TCM and CCM, and also looks at treating the person vs treating the symptom.

Price - £10

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Acupuncture In The Treatment Of Long Covid

Watch a recording of Dominique Joire and Kath Berry in a webinar discussing how acupuncture can help support patients preparing for the covid vaccine, vaccination aftercare and to rapidly speed up the recovery rate from post-viral exposure or "long covid".

Price - £35

Price for JCM Subscribers - £26.25

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Mindful Meditation Course by Dominique Joire

These classes are designed to gradually give you a full understanding of whatĀ  meditation is and how to meditate effectively. It can ultimately help you understand how the mind works, learn how to slowly transform your life for greater happiness, reduced stress and better relationships.

Price - Ā£120

(Free to JCM subscribers)

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Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

This excellent presentation from Yuming Wu, author of the book 'Infertility and Reproductive Gynaecology' takes an in depth look at Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.

Price - £29.50

Price for JCM subscribers - £22.12

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Using The Five Elements Seven Dragons Treatment

Presented by Angela Hicks, this course will explain all aspects of this treatment including the concept of possession, the causes, the diagnosis and the points and their use in the treatment.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Botox And Depression

Presented by Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, this course looks at the safety and effectiveness of Botox and facial acupuncture. 


Price - £10 

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Acupuncture In The Treatment Of Substance Misuse

Presented by Jacqueline Mangold and Rachel Peckham, this course explores the treatments of acupuncture for drug and alcohol misuse.

 Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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The Top 10 Tips For Treating The Shen

In this webinar, Angela Hicks - a world expert in five element and TCM, takes you through ten fundamental principles of shen disturbance, why your treatment on the spirit may not be working - and "how to sort it out".

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Business Planning For Future Success

Presented by Kath Berry, this course is designed for practitioners who are just starting out in practice, as well as those looking to expand the clinics, this course provides a step by step approach to business and marketing specifically for acupuncturists.

Price - £5

Price for JCM subscribers - £3.75

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Paediatric Red Flags

This course is presented by Dr Tara Chatterjee, and explores children's health and red flags to look out for.


 Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Understanding The Jing Jin For Treating Musculoskeletal Conditions

Presented by David Legge, This presentation provides an overview of the published material on the jing jin theory. The possible intentions of the earliest authors are explored along with contemporary approaches.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Low Back Pain Assessment, Red Flags And Management

Presented by Luke Rickards, this presentation is about what practitioners need to know to understand people with low back pain and how to provide safe and effective treatment in line with international back pain management guidelines.

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Cannabis, Brain Chemistry And Sleep Hygiene Strategies

This course is presented by Professor Adam Winstock. Withdrawing from cannabis is often accompanied by sleep disturbance and insomnia – a high risk for relapsing. Help patients achieve their goals with this important webinar.

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Treating Trauma: Shen And The Dark Side Of The Shen

Presented by Dr Yair Maimon. In this course you will learn how to build patient rapport to have access to their deeper being, their Shen state. By working on such a deep level, you will have a greater impact and longer lasting results. 

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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A TCM Approach To Working With The Elderly And Dementia

In this presentation, Angie Hughes takes us through important differences in treating chronic versus acute disorders in the ageing population. She discusses the memory, the mind, how this is seen in TCM and different ways of looking at memory loss in dementia. 

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Understanding Geriatrics And Gerontology

In this interesting seminar, Dr. Robinson explores the impact of our aging population on society. He also discusses how one best goes about living a long and healthy life.

 Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Acupuncture For The Treatment Of Rheumatic Conditions

In this lecture Angie Hughes discusses aging from a TCM perspective and how the onset and degeneration of rheumatic conditions can be delayed and prevented - if treated early.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Face Reading: Using The Face As A Microsystem

Presented by Lillian Pearl Bridges. This course aims to equip practitioners with useful diagnostic skills to enhance their clinical practice.

 Price - £20

Price for JCM subscribers - £15

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Our expert guests, David Mayor and Dr Sean Walsh (PhD) explain the neurophysiological mechanisms of electroacupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and outline their methods of application for a range of conditions based on current research.

Price - £5

Price for JCM subscribers - £3.75

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The Inner Development Of The Practitioner

Presented by Peter Mole. This talk draws out the themes that Chinese and other practitioners of medicine have regarded as the most important in the practice, not so much of the science of medicine, as of its art.

 Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Turning Breach Babies With Acupuncture

Becks Armstrong,  a pregnancy Acupuncture specialist and Doula presents how to treat pregnant women with a breech baby. This distance learning module will cover the three types of breech positioning;  Frank breech, Complete breech and Footling or ‘incomplete’ breech.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Understanding Western Medicines

In this interesting seminar, Dr. Robinson explores Western medicines and explains in great depth the finer details of how they work. 


 Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Marketing For Introverts

In this interesting seminar, Chen Yen explores how to market yourself as an acupuncturist or herbal medicine practitioner, with a special emphasis on how to do this even if you are an introvert. 

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Using Social Media And Content Sharing

In this interesting seminar, Jennifer Dubowsky gives in depth guidance on how to use social media to the benefit of yourself, your practice and your business. 

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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What Acupuncture Can And Cannot Treat

Matthew Bauer teaches participants a simple and logical way that they can identify which types of conditions will respond best to acupuncture. By first knowing and then being straightforward about acupuncture's limits you gain credibility and achieve success.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Acupuncture Red Flags And First Aid

In this course Paul Blacker, shares his expertise as an acupuncturist and first aid instructor and provides comprehensive information about current legislation and issues of confidentiality.

Price - £20

Price for JCM subscribers - £15

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Ethical And Safe Clinical Practice

Presented by Amanda Shayle. This webinar covers a huge range of situations that an acupuncturist may face, and how to approach it – in accordance with the NCCAOM’s code of ethics.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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The Psychobiology Of Pain

Presented by Professor Bruce H Robinson. This online seminar explores the reasons we have pain, the neurophysiology of experiencing pain, the mental and emotional aspects of acute and chronic pain and some of the most important pain syndromes treated by OM practitioners.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Treating Stubborn Stagnation In The Thoracic Area

In this exceptional presentation, David Legge, world leading author and musculoskeletal acupuncture expert David Legge takes you through two examples of using electrostimulation to shift stubborn stagnation that does not respond well to manual therapy.

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Treating Sport Injuries With Acupuncture

Paul Blacker, a qualified acupuncturist and first aid instructor showcases how to treat acute sports injuries, post first aid RICE management. This presentation includes how to treat sprains and strains and bruising - concentrating on areas such as the knees and shoulders.

Price- £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Dietary Factors In Health And Illness

Presented by Professor Bruce H Robinson, this webinar explores problems with the increasing obesity crisis, poor eating habits and chemicals in the foods we eat, and suggests some ways to deal with them.

Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Smoothing Our Digestion Using Acupuncture

Presented by Danny Blyth. This webinar helps practitioners use diet to build the digestive system, smooth stagnant Livers, and benefit general health.  The principles covered expand beyond IBS, but this offers a useful starting place to consider digestion and diet. 

Price - £20

Price for JCM subscribers - £15

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The Qi Of Tea

Presented by Natalie Chandra Saunders. Natalie is the author of several published articles and her first book, The Qi of Tea, which is a discussion of the history and use of tea in TCM.

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50


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Understanding The Foundations Of TCM

 In this webinar Dr Daniel Keown reveals the most extraordinary findings about embryology - including the world's first video showing the electrical currents during embryogenesis in a developing frog. You will be blown away by what is revealed including Daniel's controversial view about Pulse Diagnosis and the Heart as the Emporer according to the Classics of Chinese Medicine.

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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Integrative TCM

This course is presented by Clare Pyers, In this webinar, Clare looks at TCM and conventional blood tests and pathology tests to hone your diagnosis and improve outcomes.  



 Price - £15

Price for JCM subscribers - £11.25

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Professional Issues

Paul Blacker brings his wealth of experience as an acupuncturist, first aid instructor and health educator to outline essential information in the safe practice of AOM. Using case studies and best practice guidelines, he talks about establishing professional boundaries and situations to be aware of where these may be challenged.

 Price - £30

Price for JCM subscribers - £22.50

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Working With Patients During A Dying Process

Isobel Cosgrove, an Acupuncturist with over thirty years experience, uses her experience about working with a patient during a dying process to help us understand the complexities of dying, and our role as a support person through the process. She talks about isolation being the greatest burden for the patient and how we can help them transition through their emotional journey.

Price - £10

Price for JCM subscribers - £7.50

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